-Everhett and Jarod's flight was scheduled to arrive at 8:44 p.m., we were told that we would need to arrive at the airport 2 hours early to allow enough time to get our gate passes and go through security. We arrived at the airport a little after 6 p.m., found a parking space, loaded Daniel and Caden into the stroller and headed to the ticket counter. We got our gate pass, went through security and went to the gate to wait. Daniel and Caden enjoyed playing in the play area while we waited. We kept an eye on the screens that showed arriving and departing flights and noticed that several flights in and out of Nashville were delayed or canceled. We began worrying when we did not see any information on Everhett and Jarod's flight. There was no one at the gate to ask (apparently they had all gone home). I called to find out some information using one of the courtesy phones and we were told that there flight had been delayed until 9 p.m. The lady that I spoke with was not very polite and hung up on me as I was in the middle of asking a question. RUDE! Richard called an spoke with a polite person and found out their flight was scheduled to arrive on time, he also pointed out that no information about the flight was appearing on the screen. (The information quickly appeared after Richard got off the phone.) The plane arrived around 8:45 p.m., we got the boys bags from baggage claim and headed to the car. We went through the McDonald's drive-thru and grabbed a LATE supper before heading home. We arrived home a little after 10 p.m. All the kids are in bed and we are headed to bed very soon. We are so happy to have Everhett and Jarod with us for the next couple of months.
*I am usually not one to complain about a specific company/product but we are not fans of United Airlines. We have flown them before and were very impressed but after tonight we will probably never fly them again. It was very hard to get answers about the flight information when needed it. We saw people from every airline but United. We have decided the boys will fly back via Southwest.