Friday, December 25, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Daniel's Follow Up

-I took Daniel to the doctor today for his follow up appointment. We were able to see Dr. Amis (our regular pediatrician) she said that Daniel's lungs sounded great (no more pneumonia), she actually said that Daniel's lungs sounded clearer then she has ever heard. (Wow!) We are to continue the antibotic until it is gone, we can stop the albuterol inhaler and we are to continue the Zantac, Flovent and Singulair. Daniel will remain on those 3 medications for awhile as a preventive measure. We have been cleared for holiday travel so we will be heading to Savannah to spend time with family on Wednesday. I better start packing.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pneumonia, A Cold and Excema

-Daniel woke up from his nap yesterday with a fever of 102. He was pale and it was obvious that he felt horrible. He has had a runny nose and coughing off and on since Saturday. We have been treating him at home since his symptoms have been the "Daniel's asthma is flaring up" symptoms. Once I discovered he had fever I decided that it was time to go to the doctor. The last time he had a runny nose, cough and fever he ended up spending a few days at Vanderbilt Children's with pneumonia and I did not want that to happen. I also decided since we were making the 45 minute drive to the doctor I would take Caden too since he had also had a runny nose and coughing. Our regular pediatrician (Dr. Amis) was not in but we were able to get an appointment with one of her partners (Dr. Davidson). Dr. Davidson checked both boys over real good. The diagnosis - Daniel has pneumonia and is on an antibotic for 10 days, 2 inhalers, oral steriods for 3 days, a reflux medication and a sinus/allergy medication. Caden has a cold and an infection, he is on an oral antibotic and an antibotic cream for 10 days. Caden has eczema on his face and he scratches at it and rubs on it and we have tried EVERYTHING to clear it up. Dr. Davidson said that it looks to be more then just eczema (he used a name) and said that it was very infected. Daniel will go back to the doctor on Monday for a recheck and to discuss what more we can do for his asthma and allergies because there is a concern for the number of times that he has had to have an oral steroid over the past year, he will possibly be seeing an allergy specialist for intense allergy testing and possibly be returning to the lung specialist. Caden will go back to the doctor after finishing up the antibotic and will possibly be tested for allergies and will possibly see a dermatologist. We pray something can be done to improve Daniel's asthma and that something can be done to improve Caden's eczema and we ask that you pray with us.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Caden Loves Monkey

-My cousin gave Caden a monkey (the one in the picture) when he was born. (Thank you, Elizabeth) Caden has loved this monkey since day one. He sleeps with it every night, takes a nap with it, carries it around the house (usually in his mouth), carries it with us when we go out-he LOVES his monkey. The monkey looks pitiful, he is not as fluffy as he use to be, his nose and ears are worn (from Caden sucking on them), there are strings hanging (his feet and hands) and he smells really bad. (The monkey gets bathed at least every 2 weeks but the monkey still smells.) No matter how stinky and pitiful this monkey gets, Caden still loves him unconditionally.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Prayer Request

-Please keep the Kirby family in your prayers (Larry, Joyce and Nate). Their daughter and sister Elizabeth was killed today as a result of domestic violence. The Kirby family lived in Savannah several years ago and attended Savannah Church of Christ. Nate, Elizabeth and I were all close in age. My first marriage ended due to domestic violence, I consider myself lucky. My heart goes out to the Kirby family as well as the Wilder family (Elizabeth's husband's family). I don't know details, I don't want to know details. I don't know Elizabeth's husband or his family. I do know that there are 2 families hurting tonight and they need our prayers and God's comfort.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Family Night

-We enjoyed some much needed family time tonight. Daddy grilled some yummy hamburgers for supper and for dessert we roasted marshmallows. The boys loved being outside and were amazed by the fire. We really enjoyed our time together, with all the craziness that has been happening the past couple of months it was good to just take a break and focus on the family.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

-We all enjoyed Halloween this year, we (Daddy and Mommy) enjoyed watching the boys trick-or-treating and the boys (Daniel and Caden) enjoyed dressing up and getting candy. We chose to take the boys to the Pumpkin Festival at Moss Wright park in Goodlettsville. There were several activities to enjoy - bounce houses, games, a hayride, watching a dance team perform (one of Daniel's favorites), a bonfire for roasting marshmallows and making smores and of course Trick or treating (area businesses and churches set up tents along the walking trail).
-Daniel enjoyed saying "trick or treat" at every tent, getting candy and then putting the candy in his bucket. He didn't want to carry his bucket (too much work?) so Daddy and Mommy carried the bucket and Daniel put the candy into the bucket. Daniel was very good at saying thank you to the people as they gave him the candy. (We got frustrated, annoyed with a group of older kids that were behind us and being very impatient and pushy. I(Mommy) actually made a comment in hopes they would hear (they had also "cut" inline). The saddest part was that the parents were with these rude kids and didn't do anything to try to stop them.
-Caden was very happy with the first sucker he got. He proudly held on to the sucker all night.
-The boys were both asleep when we got home. We carried them into the house, took their costumes off and got them dressed and into bed without really waking them up.
-What a fun night, lots of memories were made - Isaac's first Halloween, Daniel and Caden's first trick or treating (where they semi-understood what was going on), Caden's first sucker (he ate it in the van on the way home).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Isaac Benjamin Lloyd Arrives (on time)

-Isaac Benjamin Lloyd arrived today at 11:50 a.m., weighing 8 pounds, 12.6 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long. We are so happy that Isaac has arrived healthy. Our family is complete.


-We arrived at Sumner Regional Medical Center a little after 9 a.m. and were in the room by 9:30 a.m. Mommy is ready - IV started, blood work done , surgery prep done. Daddy is ready - snack has been eaten, phone calls have been made, coffee has been drank, scrubs have been put on. We will be headed into the OR soon - the C-section is scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


-We have a date set for Isaac's arrival! If all goes as planned, I will be admitted into Sumner Regional Medical Center on Tuesday, October 6. I am to arriv at 9 a.m. and the surgery (C-section and tubal ligation) is scheduled at 11:30 a.m. We are so excited to have a "scheduled delivery" and not an "emergency delivery". Please pray with us for a safe delivery, a healthy baby and an easy recovery.
*I had my last NST today and everything was perfect. My blood pressure stayed in the 130s/70s and Isaac looked great.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

37 Weeks

-I had my 37 week check up today and all I heard was good news. My blood pressure was slightly elevated but not too high, there was only a trace of protein (normal) and I was not sent to L&D. The most exciting part of the appointment is when Dr. B asked me if I was ready to have this baby (of course) and he said let's set a date. The plan is for me to go for one last NST on Thursday (10/1) and if all goes well Isaac Benjamin will arrive on Tuesday (10/6).

Friday, September 25, 2009

Daniel's 1st Day of Preschool

(talking about carrying his backpack to school)

-Daniel was up and ready to start his BIG day by 6:45. We were afraid that we would have to wake him up and he would not be a happy boy, he thankfully woke up on his own and we did not have any fussing or crying. He enjoyed a yummy breakfast of blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs and chocolate milk. He took his medicine, brushed his teeth and got dressed (all with help). He was ready to go. We had spent the morning talking about going to school and carrying a backpack and his teachers (the head teacher is part of our church family). Daniel was very excited about going to school and REALLY excited about carrying a backpack. I am currently on bed rest but I was not going to let bed rest keep me from missing my big boy's first day of school. I rode to Benny Bills with Richard, Daniel and Caden. I sat in the car with Caden while Richard walked Daniel to the door. Daniel looked around and was kind of puzzled about what was going on but he did not cry or seem upset when Richard said goodbye and left. (I would have been cried, infact I teared up setting in the van.) It was quieter in the house without Daniel. Caden seemed to miss having his big brother to play with and he stayed glued to Richard or I the whole day (except nap time). I spent the whole day wondering if Daniel was okay, wondering if he was missing us, worrying that he would not eat lunch, etc. ("the mommy wondering and worrying"). I again HAD to ride with Richard to pick Daniel up. Ms. Linda said that Daniel had a great first day. His daily report (a sheet that is sent home daily) stated that he ate very little lunch (not surprising), he did not use the potty (not surprising), he sat in his chair, did his work independently and followed instructions. He made a hat with an apple on it (Johnny Appleseed) and wore it proudly as he walked to the van. We celebrated Daniel's GREAT first day of school by going to the donut store and getting donut holes and chocolate milk.

(walking to his classroom)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

36 Weeks

-I had my 36 week check up today. Wow, 36 weeks! (I am miserable and loving it!) My blood pressure was elevated (not surprising) and my protein was slightly elevated (+1). ""Baby Isaac's" heart rate was good. The doctor and I discussed a scheduled c-section. A "elective c-section" can not be scheduled before 38/39 weeks and the doctor is very doubtful that I will make it to 38/39 weeks. He did promise that if I was still pregnant at my next appointment (Tuesday 9/29) that we would set a date for the c-section. He said that he was not going to let me go past 39 weeks. After our brief chat I was sent to L&D for testing and monitoring, after an hour and a half of testing and monitoring and no signs of pre-eclampsia or stress I was sent home (weekly routine). I am to go back to L&D on Monday for a non-stress test (NST) and I will see the doctor on Tuesday (probably followed by another trip to L&D). I will be 37 weeks on Friday - full term and I am ready for ""Baby Isaac" to arrive.

Daniel's Going to Preschool

-Daniel "graduated" from Tennessee Early Intervention in June (when he turned 3). In August he started attending speech therapy at Union Elementary 2 days a week (30 minutes each day). We have been praying that he would be approved for a "peer class" as we have felt that being around other kids would really help with his development. Ms. Lisa (speech therapist @ Union) ............that Daniel would greatly benefit from the "peer class" and recommended him for the classroom setting after working with him for a couple of weeks. We were excited to hear her recommendation and patiently waited to get the call about scheduling his IEP and finding out which school he would be attending. (We had our fingers crossed for Benny Bills because we knew the teacher there was AWESOME.) We were so excited when we got the call and found out that Daniel would be attending Benny Bills and Ms. Linda would be his teacher. (Ms. Linda is part of our church family is wonderful with kids.)
-We attended the IEP meeting today. Daniel will attend Benny Bills 2 days a week (Tuesday and Friday) for 6 hours (7:40 - 1:40), he will get one-on-one speech therapy for 30 minutes each day. Daniel will be evaluated for other possible delays and the days he attends may increase if other delays are discovered and other therapies are needed. We met the vice prinicpal, the speech therapist, the school nurse, one of the teacher's assistants and the teacher (we already knew her) today. We toured the school and spent some time in the classroom. Daniel was so excited to be there and really did not want to leave. He set in the chairs, checked out the bathroom, played with a few toys and looked at a few books while we were there. His first day of school will be this Friday (9/25).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

35 weeks

-My 35 week check up included a trip to the hospital and some time spent in labor and delivery. My blood pressure at the doctor's office was 212/90 which had to be wrong because I felt great. (I think there BP monitor does not like me.) I asked the doctor (during my brief visit) if we could schedule a date for delivery (c-section). There is a part of me that would love to have a final "goal date". He said that we could but that he was very doubtful that I would make it to a scheduled c-section date. (Dr. Pessimistic). I completed (signed) the form that will allow the doctor to do a tubal when Isaac is delivered. (Isaac will be the baby of the family.) I scheduled my 36 week check up, ran by Hardee's for some breakfast and headed to the hospital. My blood pressure at the hospital was great and remained that way for 2 hours (was checked every 15 minutes). My lab work came back negative for any signs of preeclampsia and there was no protein in my urine. I was sent home to continue bedrest for another week. We are excited to be just 2 weeks away from "full term". I am miserable and loving it. We are praying and ask that you pray with us for a safe and healthy delivery and recovery.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

250 Days

-I am 250 days pregnant today and I am celebrating. I have never been pregnant for this long. I was pregnant with Noah for 224 days (32 weeks), Daniel for 203 days (28 weeks) and Caden for 231 days (33 weeks). I will be 40 weeks pregnant in 30 days. Wow! I never imagined I would make it this far. One I first found out that I was pregnant (SURPRISE!), I decided that I would make "goals" with my first goal being 29 weeks. When I sailed through 29 weeks and wasn't even on bed rest, I celebrated. My next goal was 32 weeks and then 33 weeks. My goal now is just one more day. If you count by weeks and not days, I am 35 weeks and 5 days pregnant (2 days shy of 36 weeks). It is exciting to think about having a full term, healthy, "take home" baby (unless Isaac arrives within the next week). I know that there is not a 100% guarantee that Isaac will not require some time in the NICU, some full term, healthy newborns require some help getting their breathing going when delivered by c-section. I can handle a couple of hours in the NICU.....I lived with 14 days, 72 days and 21 day. My prayer is that Isaac is born healthy and requires no NICU time and I am able to carry my baby boy out of the hospital the day that I am discharged. I ask that you pray with us for a safe and healthy arrival and recovery.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

34 Weeks

-I went in for my 34 week check-up today not feeling too good. I was feeling light headed and yucky. I was not surprised when the nurse said that my blood pressure was elevated. They had me lie on my left side for about 30 minutes and then rechecked my blood pressure and it was lower but still high. They had me set up for a few minutes and rechecked my blood pressure and it was elevated. The doctor and I agreed that it would be best to head to labor and delivery to be monitored and checked for pre-eclampsia. After a quick trip through Hardee's drive-thru for a milkshake, I arrived at the hospital, registered and headed up to labor and delivery. I was monitored for a couple of hours and my blood pressure was great, all the lab results came back negative for any signs of pre-eclampsia and I was sent home. I am to continue on bed rest and go back to the hospital on Friday (9/11) and Tuesday (9/15) for monitoring and I will see the doctor for my 35 week check-up on Thursday (9/17).

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Celebrating 4 Wonderful Years

-We have been married for 4 wonderful, crazy and happy years as of today. Wow! The past 4 years have been an adventure of learning and growing together. We have endured many struggles and hard times and survived them together and we have celebrated many happy, life changing experiences together. The struggles have made us stronger - unemployment, 3 high risk pregnancies, 2 premature births, watching Daniel fight for his life in the NICU and caring for a preemie in the NICU and a toddler at home. We have celebrated together the happy times - the births of Daniel and Caden, bringing Daniel and Caden home from the hospital, moving into our dream house, watching our boys grow, seeing Richard putting on Christ through baptism, the list could go on and on. We have supported each other through the good and the bad. We are best friends and great life partners. We have enjoyed creating many memories together and are looking forward to creating many more memories (hopefully more happy then sad). We are celebrating with a nice romantic dinner (Papa John's pizza) at home since Jenny is on bed rest for the 3rd time in 4 years. (Year 5 will be celebrated with a romantic dinner out of the house while the boys are with a babysitter.)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Name for Baby #3

-We found out about 13 weeks ago that baby #3 is a boy. We soon decided on the name Isaac but have not been able to decide on a middle name.....Nicholas, Hayes, Benjamin and Samuel are the names that have been mentioned and "made the list". After much discussion and debate we have finally decided on a middle name, baby #3 has officially (not really official until the birth certificate is signed) boy #3 will be named Isaac Benjamin. If the ultrasound/ultrasound tech just happens to be wrong and baby boy #3 is actually baby girl #1, she will be named Avery Mae or Avery Claire.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

32 Weeks

-I went for my 32 week check up today thinking I would get a good report. I have been feeling great, my blood pressure has been great and I have had very little swelling. I was surprised to hear that my blood pressure was elevated (194/108) and that my protein level was slightly elevated. The doctor had me lay on my left side and relax (HA!) and the nurse check my blood pressure again (170/100). The doctor decided that it would be best for me to head over to labor and delivery for monitoring and testing (for preeclampsia). I was monitored for several hours, my blood pressure came down to the normal range (excellent for me) after laying on my left side for 15 minutes. My lab work all came back negative for preeclampsia. Baby Isaac's heart rate and movement were great. I was sent home on bed rest and a long list of "to-dos" and "not-to-dos". The plan is for me to go to the hospital twice a week for monitoring and NSTs and I will see the doctor (in the office) once a week. The goal is to do a scheduled c-section around 38 weeks (about 5/6 more weeks). The timing is not perfect as we are not completely unpacked and there are a lot of "projects" that we wanted to to do before we brought baby #3 home but boxes and "projects" will have to wait because we want to bring home a full-term, healthy baby and will do whatever it takes to reach that goal.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Home (Moving Time)

-We have been busy packing boxes. The moving truck will be here this afternoon. We will be moving into our "dream home" this weekend. (Our first night will be Sunday night.) We are really excited (and exhausted) and can't wait to make this house our home.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Caden's 1st Birthday Celebration

-We celebrated Caden's 1st birthday at home with a yummy supper of spaghetti, salad, garlic toast and cupcakes. We had planned to have a big party for Daniel and Caden but with all the craziness that have been going on (Daniel's hospitalization, getting ready to move and Caden and Mommy being sick) we have had no time for party planning. Daniel was discharged from the hospital today and is feeling LOTS better. Mommy is feeling better. Caden is still feeling yucky which has made for a (un)happy birthday. We enjoyed our time together as a family (sick and tired) and we especially enjoyed having Everhett and Jarod with us to help celebrate.

yummy spaghetti

yummy cupcakes

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Celebrating the 4th

We enjoyed celebrating the 4th of July by spending a relaxing day at home. The boys spent most of the day playing outside on the slip and slide and playing with water guns. We enjoyed a yummy supper of lasagna, salad and garlic bread and enjoyed a yummy dessert made with chocolate chip cooks, cool whip and hot fudge. We ended the night with our own personal firework show (thank you, Daddy). We hope you all enjoyed your Independence Day.
*Thank you to all the men and women who serve our country and fought and continue to fight so that we can celebrate our freedom.*

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Everhett and Jarod's Arrival

-Everhett and Jarod's flight was scheduled to arrive at 8:44 p.m., we were told that we would need to arrive at the airport 2 hours early to allow enough time to get our gate passes and go through security. We arrived at the airport a little after 6 p.m., found a parking space, loaded Daniel and Caden into the stroller and headed to the ticket counter. We got our gate pass, went through security and went to the gate to wait. Daniel and Caden enjoyed playing in the play area while we waited. We kept an eye on the screens that showed arriving and departing flights and noticed that several flights in and out of Nashville were delayed or canceled. We began worrying when we did not see any information on Everhett and Jarod's flight. There was no one at the gate to ask (apparently they had all gone home). I called to find out some information using one of the courtesy phones and we were told that there flight had been delayed until 9 p.m. The lady that I spoke with was not very polite and hung up on me as I was in the middle of asking a question. RUDE! Richard called an spoke with a polite person and found out their flight was scheduled to arrive on time, he also pointed out that no information about the flight was appearing on the screen. (The information quickly appeared after Richard got off the phone.) The plane arrived around 8:45 p.m., we got the boys bags from baggage claim and headed to the car. We went through the McDonald's drive-thru and grabbed a LATE supper before heading home. We arrived home a little after 10 p.m. All the kids are in bed and we are headed to bed very soon. We are so happy to have Everhett and Jarod with us for the next couple of months.

*I am usually not one to complain about a specific company/product but we are not fans of United Airlines. We have flown them before and were very impressed but after tonight we will probably never fly them again. It was very hard to get answers about the flight information when needed it. We saw people from every airline but United. We have decided the boys will fly back via Southwest.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daniel's Eye Surgery

-We were up EARLY this morning (4:40ish). Daniel came into our room, got in bed with us and did not go back to sleep. We left our house around 6 a.m., we had to be at the hospital (VCH) at 7:30 a.m. and we had to stop for gas. Daniel was very irritable on the drive and cried or fussed the whole time maybe because he was hungry, maybe because he was sleepy, maybe because he knew where we were going. We arrived at the hospital a little before 7:30, checked in and we were soon called back to the holding room. Daniel was weighed (24.6 pounds), his temp and blood pressure were checked. I answered several questions. Daniel played with some toys, we read a book and then he was ready to go (meaning leave). The nurse found Daniel a car to drive (Little Tikes) and this made him happy to stay. Daniel loved driving around the holding room and up and down the hall. Daniel was excited to be able to drive "his car" to the OR when it was time to go. The nurses said that he loved driving "his car" so much that he did not want to get out of the car once they got to the OR.
-We were told to expect the surgery to take about an hour. We were hungry (we didn't eat breakfast since Daniel couldn't eat). We ran over to McDonald's to grab a bite to eat. Pop-Pop and Nanny stayed in the waiting area. Our cell phone rang while we were waiting on the elevator to go back up to the waiting area, the doctor was wanting to meet with us in a conference room. We were worried that something had gone wrong until we noticed the time and that it had been an hour (the hour went by quickly).
-Dr. Morrison said that everything went great, he tightened the muscles in both eyes probed the tear ducts in both eyes (the right one was blocked, the left one was not). Dr. Morrison went over the discharge instructions with us - discourage eye rubbing, expect bleeding the for the first 48-72 hours, use a cold clothe to prevent/reduce swelling, his face can't get real wet for a week, he can't be in dirty, dusty places (outside, pools, sandboxes) for 2 weeks and we are to apply an antibiotic ointment 3 times a day. Dr. Morrison also went over the symptoms of infection - fever, green discharge and face swelling. We are to call the doctor's office if Daniel shows any signs of infection. We were told that Daniel was in recovery and that we would be called back as soon as he woke up. We were called back in less than 15 minutes. Daniel had just woken up and was very compative. The nurses were hoping that having us there to hold him and talk to him would help keep him calm. Richard picked Daniel up and he was very agitated. Richard and I decided that only one of us should stay with Daniel in recovery because every time we talked Daniel would become agitated and his stats would drop. I chose to go to the waiting room since I had been in the holding room before the surgery. Richard came out to the waiting room about an hour later and said that Daniel was ready to go home. I went back to the recovery room and got Daniel dressed and Richard headed to the parking garage to get the car. We stopped at Cracker Barrel on the way home for lunch. Daniel ate a pancake, a biscuit and ice cream and drank some chocolate milk. Pop-Pop, Nanny, Mary and Emma came to our house to visit after lunch and this made Daniel very happy. (He loves "Memma".)
-Daniel went to sleep on the couch around 4 p.m. and slept until 7 p.m. He ate some supper (roast beef sandwich and chocolate Pediasure). He went back to sleep around 7:30 p.m. while setting in Richard's lap and he is now sleeping in our bed. (We are going to let him sleep with us tonight.)
-We want to thank everyone who has been praying for Daniel and ask that you continue to pray with us as he recovers. He will see Dr. Morrison on Monday, May 4 for a post-op appointment.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Caden and Ashley

Story Time

-We have been looking for activities that would allow Daniel to interact with other children his age. Our local library story time for preschoolers every Friday. We were excited to learn about this activity and took advantage of having a free, fun event to go to. Daniel LOVED story time! Daniel listened to the story that was read (about a caterpillar). After the story, all the kids enjoyed playing with a parachute as music played in the background. The kids would run under the parachute as the parachute went up in the air and ran out as the parachute went down. Daniel was hesitant to participate at first and watched and laughed as other kids ran. When he finally got the courage to run in and run out he enjoyed it so much and laughed as he ran. The story time ended with a craft project, each kid got to make a caterpillar out of popsicle sticks and fuzzy balls. Daniel wasn't to impressed with this project because he didn't like his hands getting sticky so Mommy helped. His caterpillar was very cute.

Daniel's catepillar

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


-According to Wikipedia anaphylaxis is an acute and severe multi-system reaction in humans that can be life-threatening and can occur after ingestion, skin contact, injection or inhalation.
We had our first and hopefully only experience with anaphylaxis tonight and it was scary. Daniel was laying in our bed while I was cooking supper. I went into our room and noticed that there was something that did not look right about Daniel, his eyes were red and watery. I thought at first glance that he just looked sleepy but when I got close to him I noticed that his face had started to swell and he had welps. I knew he was having a reaction to something, I gave him Benedryl and went back into the kitchen to check on supper. When I went back to our room Daniel appeared to be worse, the Benedryal did not seem to be taking effect. I called Richard in to look at him. Daniel seemed to be having problems swallowing and the welps had started to spread down his neck. Daniel threw up and was acting as if he had no energy to set up. Richard said to call 9-1-1, seconds later a first responder arrived followed immediately by EMTs/Paramedics. Daniel seemed to be a little better but the EMTs highly advised us to take him in as there was more the hospital could check into. Richard rode in the ambulance with Daniel. I got Caden dressed in pajamas and packed the diaper bag. When I arrived at the hospital Richard told me that Daniel had gotten worse, his whole body was now covered in welps. Daniel was treated with a strong dose of steriods and monitored for a few hours before being sent home.
-We gave Daniel Benedryal before putting him to bed and we were told to watch him throughout the night. He seems to be sleeping well right now and we are headed to bed soon. We do not know with a 100% certainity what caused the reaction, we think he might have eaten some peanuts. We are to follow up with the ped. in the morning.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Caden @ 6 months (4.5 months adjusted)

15 pounds, 2 ounces - 25 inches long

-4 Month Milestones
(according to
-May sleep about six hours at night before waking (total sleep typically 14 to 17 hours) (check - goes to bed around 8 p.m., wakes up around 5 a.m., naps from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.)
-Rolls over (usually stomach to back is first) (check)
-Sits with support (check)
-Lifts head up 90 degrees (check)
-Can follow a moving object for a 180-degree arc (check)
-Babbles and amuses self with new noises (check - and gets very loud)
-Responds to all colors and shades (check)
-Explores objects with his/her mouth (check - everything goes in the mouth)
-Recognizes a bottle (check - LOVES his bottle)
-Communicates pain, fear, loneliness and discomfort through crying (check - seems to have a fear of the dark)
-Responds to a rattle or bell (check)

-6 Month Milestones (according to
-Keeps head level when pulled to sitting position (check)
-Makes some vowel-consonant sounds (check)
-Sits by self with minimal support (check but not for long)
-Opens mouth for spoon (check)
-Reaches for and grabs objects (check)
-Rolls over and back (check)
-Drinks from a cup with help (we haven't started using a cup yet)
-Can hold bottle (check)
-Copies some facial expressions (check)
-Makes two-syllable sounds (check - he's a talker)