-Daniel was up and ready to start his BIG day by 6:45. We were afraid that we would have to wake him up and he would not be a happy boy, he thankfully woke up on his own and we did not have any fussing or crying. He enjoyed a yummy breakfast of blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs and chocolate milk. He took his medicine, brushed his teeth and got dressed (all with help). He was ready to go. We had spent the morning talking about going to school and carrying a backpack and his teachers (the head teacher is part of our church family). Daniel was very excited about going to school and REALLY excited about carrying a backpack. I am currently on bed rest but I was not going to let bed rest keep me from missing my big boy's first day of school. I rode to Benny Bills with Richard, Daniel and Caden. I sat in the car with Caden while Richard walked Daniel to the door. Daniel looked around and was kind of puzzled about what was going on but he did not cry or seem upset when Richard said goodbye and left. (I would have been cried, infact I teared up setting in the van.) It was quieter in the house without Daniel. Caden seemed to miss having his big brother to play with and he stayed glued to Richard or I the whole day (except nap time). I spent the whole day wondering if Daniel was okay, wondering if he was missing us, worrying that he would not eat lunch, etc. ("the mommy wondering and worrying"). I again HAD to ride with Richard to pick Daniel up. Ms. Linda said that Daniel had a great first day. His daily report (a sheet that is sent home daily) stated that he ate very little lunch (not surprising), he did not use the potty (not surprising), he sat in his chair, did his work independently and followed instructions. He made a hat with an apple on it (Johnny Appleseed) and wore it proudly as he walked to the van. We celebrated Daniel's GREAT first day of school by going to the donut store and getting donut holes and chocolate milk.
shannan carothers said...
ReplyDeleteHe is so big. It's hard to let them go but also a great joy. I watch Moira Rose bounce into reg kindergarten