-We have been looking for activities that would allow Daniel to interact with other children his age. Our local library story time for preschoolers every Friday. We were excited to learn about this activity and took advantage of having a free, fun event to go to. Daniel LOVED story time! Daniel listened to the story that was read (about a caterpillar). After the story, all the kids enjoyed playing with a parachute as music played in the background. The kids would run under the parachute as the parachute went up in the air and ran out as the parachute went down. Daniel was hesitant to participate at first and watched and laughed as other kids ran. When he finally got the courage to run in and run out he enjoyed it so much and laughed as he ran. The story time ended with a craft project, each kid got to make a caterpillar out of popsicle sticks and fuzzy balls. Daniel wasn't to impressed with this project because he didn't like his hands getting sticky so Mommy helped. His caterpillar was very cute.
The Leighton Family! said...
ReplyDeleteHe is so cute! I wish Brody's immune system wasn't so bad all the time. I would take him to our library because they have the same thing. I am so happy he got to go. Nice catepillar Daniel!
Fri Feb 20, 12:15:00 PM PST
Sydney & Bayley's Proud Mommy said...
ReplyDeleteDaniel is such a cutie! He looks like such a big boy in his cute little jeans & shirt! Handsome! Im glad he enjoyed library time!
Wed Feb 25, 12:13:00 PM PST