-I am tired of being fat. Yes, I said it.....I AM FAT! The first step to solving the problem is admitting that you have a problem, right? Richard and I have talked the past couple of days about loosing weight and healthy eating - 1.) to actually loose weight and be able to shop in the "skinny section" of clothing departments/stores - 2.) our excessive weight is making us unhealthy and we need to be healthy - 3.) we have 3 boys to keep up with and need all the energy we can get to keep up with them. As of today I have entered "get healthy mode". I am not really going start a diet, I am just going to eat healthier. (This morning I had a Grande
Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte from
Starbucks - 130 calories, instead of a Venti
Caramel Macchiato - 300 calories.) I am going to add "formal exercises" into my daily routine and I am going to be more active (less computer time). I am really motivated to do this. My first goal is to need a new fall/winter wardrobe. I have decided that I will share my success and my failures on here so I can be held accountable and so I can look back and see what I am doing right or wrong. Time to get healthy.....
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