-A head ultrasound showed that Daniel has a grade 1
intraventricular hemorrage (IVH).
IVH is a collection of blood in and around the ventricules of the brain. The doctor said that a grade 1 bleed is very mild and should resolve itself. He explained it to us in this way - if there were several children in one room - half the children born with a grade 1 brain bleed and the other half were born without a brain bleed - you would never know which children were born with a bleed and which children were born without a bleed. Another ultrasound will be done in a few days to see if the bleed has increased, decreased or stayed the same. Please pray with us that the bleed resolves itself.
-A chest x-ray done on Saturday showed that Daniel's lungs are very hazy. This could be a sign of
Chronic Lung Disease. The doctor said that it is still too soon to make an official diagnosis. There will several x-rays completed before Daniel is discharged and an official diagnosis will be made when Daniel is bigger (at discharge).
-Daniels feeds were stopped for a day to due residual (undigested food) in his stomach. The doctor feels like he just needs a little break from eating. Daniel's digestive system is immature and may not be able to break down food. This is a common problem in preemies.
-Despite all the complications - Daniel is a fighter and is hanging in there.
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