-The job hunt is still going on. Richard's interview (2 weeks ago) went well. The interview was with a company call
Presidio Network Solutions.
Presidio is the type of company that Richard dreams of working for and I pray that an offer is extended (preferably soon). The company wants him however Richard does not meet all the qualifications of the position that they are currently trying to fill (Sr. Network Engineer), he lacks 2 certifications to be qualified. I guess you could say that he is currently in the "negotiate stage". The last time he communicated with a rep of the company he (Richard) said that he would have 1 of the certs complete within 2 months of hire and the other cert complete within a year of hire. The rep (HR) seemed excited about this and said that she would pass it on to management. So, we are waiting....
-While waiting Richard interviewed with a 2nd great company last Friday -
Network Solutions Group (NSG) and the interview went well. He should hear an answer this week from
NSG. My prayer is that he gets an offer from both companies this week. Richard hopes that he just receives an offer from one of the companies so that he does not have to choose because he loves them both. (I think he would be happier with
Presidio.) But, for now we wait and the job hunt continues.....