-I took Isaac for his 9 month check up today. He is growing so fast! Dr. Amis said that Isaac was doing GREAT. His growth and development are right on track. He is "small for his age", he weighs 17.5 pounds and is 27 inches tall, putting him in the 5th percentile for both height and weight. He crawls/scoots around everywhere. He loves to be on the go. He just recently started pulling up to his knees. He loves to watch Daniel and Caden play and will get mad if they get out of his sight. He is a "mommy boy", he very much prefers Mommy to hold him and stay in his line of sight but when Mommy is holding him he loves to look at Daddy and loves for Daddy to talk to him. He loves to eat and is not picky about what he eats. He is starting to self-feed and has tried Gerber Puffs, Mum-Mums, mac and cheese and a little donut (curtosy of Caden). He has not gotten the hang of a sippy cup yet but we are working on it. He's a great sleeper, (7 pm - 7 am at night with 2 naps during the day) the problem is getting him to go to sleep - he's a fighter. He is teething - majorly - he got 4 teeth in a matter of days (current teeth count 7 with one coming through). He is always smiling and happy. We have been asked many times if he is always happy and he is but when he is mad he is very mad, it doesn't happen often though. It's hard to imagine that he will be soon be 1 (in less then 3 months). He's the baby of the family. I have already started packing up the baby gear to pass on to another baby (in another family). The baby gear (swings, bouncey seats) may be gone but it is being replaced with toddler gear (train tables, ride ons and too many toys). It's bittersweet to watch Isaac grow. We are so thankful for "our surprise", he has been the best "end" to our family.
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