-We (Daddy, Mommy and Daniel) enjoyed playing a game of Memory (the Toy Story version) before bed tonight. The score....Daniel 19, Daddy 10 and Mommy 7. It's okay that we got beat by a 3 year old (who cheats). Daniel's rules are - pick 2 cards, if they aren't the same you pick a 3rd card. (The actual rule is you pick 2 cards and if they are not a match it is the next player's turn.) Daniel's rules are if another player turns over and card and you know where the match is then the "pair" is yours. We are okay with being beat by a 3 year old. We love when he sees a match and says "sime (same)" or when it is not a match and he hangs his head and says "not sime (same). We love watching him think about which cards to choose, he puts his finger to his mouth and says "hmmm...." and concentrates very hard (and sometimes long). We love for him to tell us whose turn it is - "Mommy too (Mommy's turn)", "Daddy too (Daddy's turn)", "me too (my turn). Taking time out to play Memory with Daniel is a memory that we will cherish forever.
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