Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Scary to Scarier

-We let Daniel sleep in our room last as night we anticipated a night of coughing and breathing treatments, much to our surprise (a pleasant surprise) Daniel only required one breathing treatment (around 2 a.m.). Daniel slept late (until around 8:30 a.m.) and woke up coughing and and the cough continued with no break (a sign of an asthma flare up). We gave him a dose of Orapred (oral steriod), Flovent, Albuterol and Zantac and our poor little guy just could not stop coughing. I called Dr. Amis' office to schedule his follow-up appointment. My original plan was to schedule the appointment for tomorrow (Wednesday) but Dr. Amis was not going to be in the office and I was not comfortable with waiting until Thursday. Pop-Pop drove Daniel and I to his appointment and Richard stayed with Caden and Isaac. We stopped at Sonic for lunch. (Daniel did not want anything to eat or drink.). We arrived at Dr. Amis' office around 1 p.m. (Daniel's appointment was at 1:15 p.m.) The wonderful office workers noticed that Daniel was coughing and working hard to breath, they said something to Linda (Dr. Amis' wonderful nurse) and we were taken back to a room. Daniel's o2 saturation was in the low 80s (should be high 90s). Daniel was given a breathing treatment, warmed Pedialite (to break up secretions) and put on o2, his saturation came up to the high 80s. We rushed over to Vanderbilt Children's ER where things went from scary to scarier. In the 10 minutes it took to get to the ER, Daniel's oxygen saturation dropped to 76%. He was rushed into one of the 2 trauma rooms (found out you never want to be in the trauma room). There were 4 nurses, 2 respiratory therapist and 2 doctors that quickly began working on Daniel and asking in me LOTS of questions. Daniel was in respiratory distress (I think that is what it's called.) After about 4 hours of a continuous breathing treatment, a NG tube placement to suction air and other junk from his tummy, a chest x-ray, a dose of antibiotics and a dose of mag. Daniel was stable enough to move to a critical care room (right next door to the trauma room). Daniel continued to get breathing treatments and was put on oxygen via a mask and eventually a nasal cannula.
-The doctors are waiting to see how Daniel will do on the nasal cannula before making a decision on moving him to a room on the floor. If he can remain stable he will moved to a regular room, if he needs anything more then o2 through the nasal cannula he will be moved to ICU. Richard is currently at the hospital with Daniel and I am home with Caden and Isaac. Please keep Daniel (and all our family) in your prayers. This is a scary time for all of us.

1 comment:

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